born in amirillo when reagan wore the crown
to a couple houston lawyers who had just came to town
mama got a job with campbell and grey
and daddy was running for the county DA
he went around town in a blue apell pen
but everybody knows a democrat cant win in the bible belt
well sundays we would all go to church
sing us some hyms and go to lubys afterwards
talk the sermon and talk about the sky
over a lu ann plater and a pecan pie
it was like church and lubys could save us from our sins
or maybe we were just trained to fit into the bible belt
its a real fine place to see the lord
starin down at you from a big billboard
a hundred thousand churches from east to west
you can tune in on sunday your teleevangislist
well some call it heaven, i call it hell
livin in west texas
bible belt
when the time came i went to texas tech
but i made bad grades written fraternity checks
so i transfered to south plains and level lands
started makin A's so i started up a band
nobody would ever come to my shows
i guess they dont like good ole rock and roll in the bible belt
its a real fine place to see the lord
starin down at you from a big billboard
a hundred thousand churches from east to west
you can tune in on sunday your teleevangislist
well some call it heaven, i call it hell
livin in west texas ... bible belt
so im sitin reight here in the liqour store line
had to leave at 11 just to make it in time
i dont understand how the countys not wet
it would help with the drought, it would help with the debt
but up here change and time move slow
its just one more thing that cant be told
in the bible belt