Bailey Rushlow推出了经典歌曲《I Don't Want to Miss a Thing》的原声版,用她温暖的嗓音和简约的编配为这首动人旋律注入了全新生命。这一版本不仅展现了她卓越的演唱技巧,还赋予了原曲更加深情的表达。无论是Rushlow的忠实粉丝,还是《I Don't Want to Miss a Thing》的原始乐迷,都能在这首原声版中找到感动与共鸣。
I could stay awake just to hear you breathing
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
While you're far away and dreaming
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
I could get lost in this moment forever
Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure
I don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna to fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
Even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream would never do
I'd still miss you baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
Lying close to you, feeling your heart beating
And I'm wondering what you're dreaming
Wondering if it's me you're seeing
Then I kiss your eyes
And thank god we're together
I just wanna stay with you in this moment forever
Forever and ever, and oh
I don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna to fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
Even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
I don't wanna miss one smile
I don't wanna miss one kiss
I just wanna be with you
Right here with you, just like this
I just wanna hold you close
Feel your heart so close to mine
And just stay here in this moment
For all the rest of time
I don't wanna close my eyes
Don't wanna fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
Even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
Cuz I'd miss you baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing